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4 Habits Your Emergency Dentist in Annapolis Says You Should Avoid

May 31, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:00 pm
man breaking cigarette in half

No one likes having to stop everything to treat a dental emergency. They always seem to happen right after the dentist’s office closes! You can’t completely prevent them. However, there are some precautions you can take to decreases your chances of having them. Your emergency dentist in Annapolis suggests you kick these 4 habits to protect your oral health.


Your Emergency Dentist in Annapolis Discusses How To Handle Common Emergencies While You’re On Vacation

May 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 2:40 pm
family jumping on beach

Are you looking forward to finally going on your summer family vacation you’ve been planning for months? Don’t let something like a dental emergency ruin your fun by not being prepared. Knowing how to handle a stressful situation can not only allow you to act confidently, but reacting fast could be the key to preserving your future oral health. Your emergency dentist in Annapolis discusses a few common dental emergencies and how to handle them until you’re able to get to your dentist.
