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Why Are Bone Grafts Necessary Before Dental Implants?

October 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 11:07 pm
Bone graft in Annapolis

Are you missing teeth? Fortunately, with modern dental technology, you have several different tooth replacement options. One that is preferred by both patients and dentists is dental implants. They are great because they replace the natural root of the tooth and feel natural. However, some patients require a bone graft in Annapolis before they can have their implants placed. But this isn’t as scary as it may sound. Continue reading to learn more about bone grafting and why it is a necessary step for many patients before their dental implant placement surgery.


How Are Face Masks Affecting Oral Health?

October 6, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 9:30 pm
Young woman wearing face mask and a yellow sweater

As we are living through a pandemic, you have been taking all sorts of precautions in order to reduce your risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. This includes working from home, washing your hands more frequently, avoiding social gatherings, and wearing a face mask when you are in public. Wearing your face covering is a great step against contagion, but you should also be aware of how it is affecting your smile. Your dentist shares more about the dental effects of a face mask and what you can do to counteract them.
