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5 Important Facts About Dental Implants

December 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 8:34 am
3D drawing of a dental implant

Dental implants are one of the most popular modern-day dentistry marvels. They are the only dental restoration that replaces a tooth’s root, helping to preserve and protect your jawbone. But there are many misconceptions about getting dental implants in Annapolis. Keep reading to learn 5 interesting facts about this restorative treatment.


Dr. Barry Grosshandler Retirement

December 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:33 pm


Barry Grosshandler
101 Ridgely Avenue
Suite 22
Annapolis, MD 21401

Dear Patients and Friends,

I hope this letter finds you safe and well during these trying times. As many of you know,I’ve been challenged by orthopaedic issues over the past two years and had a kneereplacement in January. I’ve been busy successfully rehabilitating my back and leg and I’mfeeling so much better. I was ready to return to work when Coronavirus hit, offsetting these plans. It is therefore, with mixed feelings, that I am announcing my retirement. I look forward to enjoying my family and teaching younger generations of dentists. For the last 40 years, it has been my privilege to take care of your dental needs. Your trust and confidence in me and my staff has been rewarding and we are appreciative for having had this opportunity. The relationships I have developed with many of you have been so special and I am grateful to call you my friends.

As I begin the next chapter of my life, I wanted to transition my practice and your care into the most capable and caring hands I know. I will be merging my practice with Goodman Dental Care. Dr. Gary Goodman has been a lifelong friend and colleague and has been my personal dentist for 40 years. In addition, his son Jeremy Goodman has been in practice with him since 2011. Dr. Gary Goodman and I went to dental school together and trained together at the Pankey Institute in Florida. Dr. Jeremy Goodman graduated from the University of Maryland School of Dentistry and trained at the Pankey Institute as well. They share my philosophy and approach to dental care and I know you will be well cared for.

To insure continuity of care, all of your digital records will be transferred to Goodman Dental Care. To learn more about Goodman Dental Care, please visit their Here is their contact information:

Goodman Dental Care
2530 Riva Road Suite #201
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone: 410-263-1919

I wish you all the best in life and dental health in the future.
Warmest Regards,

Dr. Barry Grosshandler

5 Benefits of Getting Porcelain Veneers

December 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 11:50 am
Woman smiling

Smiling can improve your mood and reduce your stress. But if your smile makes you feel self-conscious, it can do the very opposite. There are many ways to correct your smile, but depending on your dental needs, veneers might be the best choice. Keep reading to learn about the top 5 benefits of getting porcelain veneers in Annapolis.
