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Dentures or Implants: Which are Better for Your Jaw?

December 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 11:56 am
A dentist explaining how implants preserve your jawbone

As you might know, dentists have various ways to replace the teeth in your mouth. The most popular of these restorations, though, are dentures and dental implants. Most people consider those two treatments when they picture a restored smile. Even so, were you aware only implants offer jawbone preservation? Indeed, that feature marks them out as the better option. If you’d like to learn more, your local dentist can help. Here’s a summary of how tooth loss degrades your jaw and implants preserve it.


Is It Safe to Get Dental Implants?

December 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 6:28 am
A dentist explaining how dental implants are safe

If you suffer from tooth loss, chances are you’ve heard of dental implants. These prosthetic teeth are famous for restoring smiles! You may wonder, though, whether implants are a safe solution for missing teeth. After all, you can’t really commit to them if you don’t know their health effects. It’s a good thing, then, that your local Annapolis dentist can settle the matter. Here’s a summary of why implants are perfectly safe, especially given their low risks.
