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3 Types of Tooth Stains & How to Get Rid of Them 

December 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 4:23 pm
person with stained teeth covering their mouth

Striving for a radiant smile akin to admired actors, musicians, or influencers involves not only having healthy and evenly aligned teeth but also ensuring they are bright and pearly white. Stained or discolored teeth can affect your confidence in smiling. Dental discoloration can arise from various causes. Delve into the exploration of different types of tooth stains and learn how your dentist can help enhance the aesthetics of your smile.


What Do I Do If I Lose a Dental Filling?

December 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 4:12 pm
dentist putting dental filling on female patients’ tooth

While a broken or lost dental filling might seem like a minor inconvenience, there are instances where it could necessitate a visit to the emergency dentist. Timely repair of a lost or damaged filling is crucial to prevent potential complications. If you’ve recently experienced the loss of a dental filling, it’s advisable to follow these seven steps. These measures will help ensure that your tooth is not subjected to further damage while you await the necessary repairs.
