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Top 4 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Veneers

December 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 8:47 pm
woman wondering it's time to replace in Annapolis

When it comes to cosmetic dental services, veneers are by far one of the most popular options. These beautiful shells of dental porcelain can comprehensively transform the size, shape, and color of any number of teeth in as few as two quick and easy appointments. Dental porcelain is reliably durable, so you can expect veneers to last 15 years or more with the right care. So how can you tell that it’s time to replace your veneers in Annapolis? Here are the top four signs to be on the lookout for that mean it’s time to schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist.

1.) Your Veneer Is Loose Or Has Fallen Off

Perhaps the most obvious sign that your veneer needs to be replaced is that it falls off or becomes loose. While you can temporarily secure your veneer in place with a dab of toothpaste or denture adhesive, this is only a temporary solution! It’s imperative that you call your dentist right away.

2.) There are Visible Chips Or Cracks

Dental porcelain is durable and resists chips quite well, but they’re far from indestructible. As the years of chewing, speaking, and laughing go by, it’s normal for the wear and tear to take a toll on your veneers. While a small chip or crack in your veneer is nothing to panic about, you should talk to your dentist in a timely manner, as the damage will only get worse with time.

3.) The Veneers Seem Darker Or Discolored

One of the most popular benefits of veneers is that they are stain-resistant and can stay dazzling for many years to come. However, the dental cement that adheres them to your teeth is susceptible to staining and may darken. Eventually, this darker color may begin to show through the veneer. Plus, while veneers resist stains quite well, they’re not “stain-proof” and will discolor if you overindulge in beverages like coffee and wine. Since neither the dental cement nor the veneer can be whitened, the only option is to have the veneer replaced.

4.) Your Tooth Feels Sensitive Under the Veneer

Decay can’t penetrate your veneers, but remember, veneers only cover the front of your teeth. If you don’t practice excellent oral hygiene, cavity-causing plaque and bacteria will build up on the unprotected back surface of your teeth. If a cavity develops, the veneer may need to be removed in order to effectively treat it. Additionally, if your gums begin to recede due to the bacteria, a cavity may form just underneath the veneer! Tooth sensitivity is a sure sign that you need to call your cosmetic dentist right away.

During your routine checkups, your cosmetic dentist will inspect the integrity of your veneers and ensure they’re in good shape. However, should you ever feel concerned about your smile or have questions about your veneers, don’t hesitate to call!

About the Practice

The father and son team of Goodman Dental Care are dedicated to helping the smiles of Annapolis look and feel their best. Thanks to their expertise and advanced training, they’re proud to offer a wide variety of the latest cosmetic dental services, including veneers. No matter what you’d like to change about your smile or oral health, they would be more than happy to meet with you and help you discover how to meet your goals. They can be reached online or at (410) 263-1919.

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