Facial expressions are an essential part of communicating with those around us, from the look of surprise at your 30th birthday party to the big smile you make when laughing with your closest friends. As a result, wrinkles are just a natural part of life. Don’t worry – that doesn’t mean there isn’t a solution for maintaining and restoring your youthful appearance; that’s where dermal fillers in Annapolis come in! Simply put, this fine line-smoothing treatment can reduce unwanted wrinkles so you can enjoy a revitalized appearance once more!
Although Dermal Fillers are extremely effective at addressing fine lines and wrinkles, they aren’t the same as BOTOX®. While BOTOX® essentially freezes the muscle, causing it to relax, dermal fillers fill the area that is lacking volume with a gel-like substance. As a result, unwanted lines, waning features, and thinned lips can all be restored, making you look more youthful in the process.
Candidates for dermal fillers are determined on a case-by-case basis. Typically, patients who are in good physical health, don’t smoke, and are committed to taking care of their skin are the best candidates. However, anyone struggling with the below imperfections is encouraged to get in touch with our highly-trained cosmetic dentist in Annapolis:
Dermal fillers aren’t just incredibly effective, they also offer patients several benefits, including: