There are many ways to restore your smile through dentistry. While dental bridges and dentures can make tooth replacement more affordable, they aren’t without their drawbacks. If you’ve had a denture for a very long time, you’re likely familiar with the setbacks that come with them. With dental implants providing support, your denture does not rely solely on the shape of your mouth. Thanks to this, your next tooth replacement is sure to feel far more secure and last longer than ever before. Call the dentists at Goodman Dental Care to schedule your very first consultation!
An implant denture is designed to attach to a series of dental implants that are placed inside of the jaw, rather than solely rely on the shape of your mouth or neighboring teeth to stay in place. Once the implants have fully integrated with your existing bone and gum tissue, a permanent restoration, whether it’s a full or partial denture, can be placed on top. Keep in mind that you do not need a dental implant dedicated towards every tooth you intend to replace. In many cases, four to six implants are used to hold a restoration that fill the entire arch.
Fixed implant dentures no longer rely on denture adhesive or suction to stay in place. They’re permanently anchored to your mouth with dental implants, so they’ll look and feel exactly like your natural teeth. You won’t need to worry about removing them before going to bed or putting them back in when you wake up, because they’ll be permanently secured to your implant posts.
Instead of having your implant dentures permanently attached to your mouth, you can also have them designed to be removable. This way, they’re easier to clean, and if you ever need to take them out of your mouth, you’ll be able to! Removable implant dentures are great at disguising lost gum tissue and enhancing the stability and function of traditional dentures.
Chances are, if you are missing most or all of your teeth and you have healthy bone tissue, you’re likely a good candidate for implant dentures. Of course, you’ll also need to have decent oral health and healthy gum tissue. Without enough bone, the implants will not integrate properly. If you have gum disease, you’ll need to have it treated first, as infected gums can easily cause the implants to fail. With that said, implant dentures in Annapolis are ideal for those who have had a denture for an extended period of time.
Once we’ve completed your initial consultation and planned every detail of your treatment, we’ll schedule you for your implant placement. Planning dental implant treatment takes time, so it’s important to know ahead of time that the process will take several months to complete. During the actual procedure, our office creates a small incision inside of your gum tissue and places the dental implants directly into the jaw. Afterwards, they need about four to six months to fully heal and integrate. Once they’ve healed, we’ll place abutments on top of the implants, which act as connectors for the permanent restoration. After a few more weeks of healing, the permanent denture will be placed on top.
When you choose an implant denture to restore your smile, you’re getting so much more than just a comfortable denture. In fact, you’re getting a denture that feels far more natural because the implants stimulate your bone and gum tissue. This makes every bite of food you chew feel more like your actual teeth. Because of the integration, you’re also preventing your cheeks from hollowing out and the overall shape of your jaw from changing. Unlike traditional dentures, you won’t have to keep repairing and replacing them like you’re used to, because dental implants make your tooth replacement last longer than ever.
The primary benefit that most patients who had traditional dentures and switched to implant dentures mention is that they no longer need to worry about slipping or shifting restorations. While chewing or eating with traditional dentures, they can move in the mouth, causing you to fumble on your words or have to readjust them in the middle of an interaction. This can be embarrassing and create an awkward moment. By stabilizing them with dental implants in Annapolis, you won’t ever have to worry about this issue again, because they’ll be anchored to your jawbone and secured in place instead of relying on natural suction.