When wisdom teeth erupt, it’s typical that they cause problems to your smile and existing oral structures. For one, if they do not erupt properly, they can actually increase the risk of an infection developing and cause neighboring teeth to move out of place, making your smile uneven. At Goodman Dental Care, we take the steps to remove problematic wisdom teeth safely, comfortably, and effectively, ensuring that your smile and oral health remain intact. Call our office today to get your wisdom teeth examined by a caring and professional team!
In some cases, you may not need to have your wisdom teeth removed if your mouth is large enough to accommodate them. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. If you start to notice pain in the back of your mouth or have difficulty chewing food due to increased sensitivity or pain around your molars, it could be because wisdom teeth are erupting and applying pressure to your oral structures. During your consultation, we’ll confirm if an extraction is needed and create a treatment plan from there.